"Dear Irvin" Fall 2014 by Bill Syrett
“Dear Irvin” A note from your faculty adviser Fall 2014 Dear Irvin Hall residents: As your faculty adviser I’d like to welcome you to a new school year at Penn State! So… WELCOME! If you are here then you have shown that you have what it takes to prosper here at Penn State- congratulations. One challenge for many students, especially new ones, is finding the proper balance between your studies, your community activities and your entertainment. You have already made a very wise choice by choosing Irvin--we are very fortunate to have a special living option for those of us in the college of Earth and Mineral Sciences. By living here you will be assisted in finding that proper balance through required social, academic and community service events. But, rather than thinking of them as required, look at these events as a path toward success. Get involved and be thankful for the opportunities afforded you. It can and will b...