"Dear Irvin" Fall 2016 by Bill Syrett

“Dear Irvin”
A note from your faculty adviser
Fall 2016

Dear Irvin Hall residents:

Congratulations on being accepted to what really is the premiere college in the study of earth and mineral sciences, and welcome to a new school year at Penn State!  By living in Irvin you have chosen to be active not only academically, but also socially and in the community.  Irvin Hall, the Special Living Option of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, has been around a long time and many very successful people have passed through this dormitory over the years.  The path to success is made easier because you have the resources other people don’t have to over-come one of the biggest challenges for many students, especially new ones: finding the proper balance between your studies, your community activities and your entertainment.  By living here you will be assisted in finding that proper balance through required social, academic and community service events.  But, rather than thinking of them as required, look at these events as a path toward success.  Get involved and be thankful for the opportunities afforded you.  By far the easiest way to get involved is to attend all house meetings.  You will meet your board of directors and learn what you will need to do to be an engaged member of the Irvin community.

It can and will be stressful at times, and you’ll weather those times better by working through them with your friends (who are going through or have gone through similar stressful events). And please don’t ever hesitate to ask me for help when needed.  My office hours, if you are interested are Wednesdays from 7-10am and by appointment and I’m in 606C Walker, a part of the Joel N. Myers Weather Center.  You may stop by at other times, too, just let me know what works for you.  I look forward to seeing some of you during the TOTEMS move-in and at many other times during the fall.

A few facts about me…

I grew up in Bristol, Connecticut and have been a “weather weenie” since age 5.  I received my B.S. in Meteorology at Penn State in the winter of 1983 and lived in Pinchot Hall (East Halls), but had many friends in Irvin.  I then earned an M.S. here in Meteo and have worked in both research and teaching since 1987.  I think Penn State is a fantastic institution, and our college, which truly is much more student-friendly than most, is the best on campus.  I hope that I will be able to eventually help you feel the same way if you don’t already.

I enjoy being involved with Irvin and want to hear from you with comments or suggestions--and please write or stop by and visit if you ever feel that I could be of service to any of you.  Keep up with your work, find that perfect balance between academics and activities, and have a great semester!  Get to know as many of your housemates as you can- you have unique talents and differences, but also have a lot more in common with each other than you may think.  Thanks!


Bill Syrett, Senior Lecturer in Meteorology and Manager, Joel N. Myers Weather Center
Email: wjs1@psu.edu, Ph: (814) 865-6172

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